
Here are my proposals,

Title: Slots, batteries included

Pharo has recently introduced a model for first-class class layouts and 
instance variables (slots). 
This model will permit to customize the memory layout of instances of a class 
and the read/write logic of instance variables.
However, the current compiler doesn't take the custom read/write logic into 
account and the implementation need some love. 
The student will first have to understand the model of layout and slots 
The next step is to modify the compiler (Opal) so that it take slots into 
Then, the student will improve the current implementation:
- Expand the API: Each class should responds to #slots #ownSlots, each object 
to #slotNamed:set:, #slotNamed:, etc... 
- Fix the class installer to use the new instance migration model instead of 
the old one.
- Study whether scopes can be removed from the core model or not.
- Better definition of the interactions/responsibilities of the class builder 
and the class installer and fix the problem of modification of anonymous 
Then the student can provides several examples of custom slots and identify 
potential clients of these new facilities.

Dialect: Pharo

Skill level: intermediate

Mentors: Camille Teruel / Martin Dias

Title: Baobab

Pharo sources are currently stored in a separated file (.sources). 
We plan to remove that file and instead store all sources in the image in AST 
But keeping all the ASTs of the system methods would cost too much memory. 
Bonsai, is one possible solution for saving memory: it is just a flyweight 
pattern for ASTs.
Additionally, we want to annotate the nodes of the ASTs various informations 
(bindings, additional comments, discussions, false positive critics, debugging 
code, typing information for various pluggable type systems, statistics like 
code coverage, etc...).
All these annotations would also take too much space in the image. Moreover, 
not all of them are needed by all developers. Some must be kept in the image, 
others not.

The goal of Baobab is to offer a flexible AST annotation and serialization 
An annotation should be able to define if it's transient (kept in the image but 
not serialized with the AST), local (kept in the image and serialized with the 
AST) or remote (stored on remote repositories so that teams of developers can 
share and edit them).

Dialect: Pharo

Skill level: easy/intermediate

Mentor: Camille Teruel

Title: Generic rewriting engine

Rewriting is an useful technique that has a lot of applications in many 
functional programming language.
A rewriting engine that can rewrite arbitrary graph of objects would have a lot 
of useful applications like code refactoring and migration of instances in an 
alive program.

The goal of this proposal is to implement a rewriting engine for arbitrary 
tree/graph of object.
A rewriting rule must be able to define:
- Patterns to match a part of the graph possibly including metavariables 
(variables that match subparts of the matched part) 
- Transformation of the matched part using the metavariables
The engine is parametrized with a set of rules an a traversal of the graph 
(look at http://www.humane-assessment.com/blog/traversal-enabled-pharo-objects 
for ideas).
Inspirations can be found in the pattern-matching library of Newspeak:

Skill level: intermediate
Dialect: Free
Mentor: Camille Teruel

Title: Object based IDE

An object oriented program is based on objects that send messages to other 
However, source code and IDE shows only classes and methods.
There is a huge gap between the source code that the IDEs show and the runtime 
entities of a program: object and messages.
This gap make program comprehension difficult because it is up to the 
programmer to fill this gap in is head.
That is certainly the reason why many Smalltalk programmers like to program in 
the debugger: they deal with an actual instance of their program.

The goal of this proposal is to set up the first bricks toward a graphical IDE 
centered around objects that are alive during a program execution.
The first step is to provide a view to easily navigate through a graph of 
Then objects should be able to customize their view and several default views 
for common classes must be provided: Array, Dictionary, Set, etc...
The final step is to be able to run a program step by step as in a debugger and 
display the messages sent between objects using Granovetter diagrams. 

Dialect: any

Skill level: intermediate

Mentor: Camille Teruel

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