On 2/16/14 3:38 , Levente Uzonyi wrote:
On Sat, 15 Feb 2014, Alejandro Infante wrote:

Well, I tried today using that to release some memory used by
Roassal. Let's say all the instances of ROElement. So I executed
the following code:

ROElement allInstances do: [:el | el becomeForward: nil ].

The next second the image crashed. Then I thought that was because
the visualization was open. So I did another little experiment,
closed the visualization, and then run the following code:

ROElement allInstances do: [:el | el becomeForward: nil ].
"Everithing ok for now" Smalltalk garbageCollect.

Again, same result, the image crashed. Also instead of doing
garbage collect, I tried open the browser, but the image crashed
just few seconds later.

It's a sign of a bug either in the VM, or the finalization mechanism
(if these objects are subject to finalization), or Roassal itself.
You better examine the crash dumps.

Yeah, who knows... maybe ROElement is dealing with FFI...

It's way better to figure out why you have objects that won't go away, then you fix the real problem. Hopefully the scope for this GSoC project will be amended with those kinds of considerations in mind.


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