### Here's what I've been up to since the last WhatsUp:


Worked on the GTPlayground to replace the concept of the workspace by
integrating it with the inspector. You can see it in action here:

Worked on integrating examples for classes (still work in progress).

Worked with Andrei on a new code widget (still work in progress).

Extended GTInspector support for:
- files (it now even recognizes st files)
- XML documents
- DBXTalk
- Roassal2

Documented more use cases in the GTInspector:
- Browsing support for files (video):
- A session of discovering code contracts through visualization (video):
- A session of performance improvement for the Settings Browser:

> ### What's next, until 2014-02-28 (*):

Document GTPlayground.
Extend GTInspector for more use cases (if you have a need, please let me
Improve DBXTalk integration (the goal is to replace the need for a regular
DB client)
Work on widgets


"Every thing has its own flow"

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