Here is a simple calculation (that probably can be improved by the reflection 
or Moose aficionados) to estimate the amount of change between Pharo 2.0 and 
3.0 by counting the number of methods in the image that have a timestamp later 
than 2.0's release date: these should be new or modified.

(Object allSubclasses collect: [ :each | each methods size ]) sum.

(Object allSubclasses collect: [ :class | 
  ((class methods) select: [ :each |  
    [ '2013-03-18T00:00:00' asDateAndTime <= (DateAndTime fromMethodTimeStamp: 
each timeStamp) ] 
      on: Error do: [ false ] ]) size ]) sum.

14735/(71973/100.0) => ~20 %

Not bad.


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