b...@openinworld.com wrote:
b...@openinworld.com wrote:
Marcus Denker wrote:

On the ci server this is already done: failing tests are serialise with Fuel for debugging. In addition, the image is save and can be downloaded (in the state after the test run).

How do I find the fuel files and saved image for this validation report?

Hi Camillo,

I am interested by your comment on Case 12957 that "I think we can/should add this code to the standard CI project"
regarding my ImageWorker hack to try getting hold of the test failure fuel file. What was it you liked? 

Its not suitable for integration in its current form since its a very specific hack hardcoding the target folder, that would leave rubbish on the CI server if I didn't pay attention to manually clean up afterward.  Also getting the fuel file back to my local machine is awkward using scp to bounce a copy through the inria ssh gateway.  Ideally the fuel file would just end up as an artifact of the Jenkins job.  What needs doing?  I'd be interested in helping out - though I wouldn't want to risk breaking anything prior to Pharo 3 release.

cheers -ben

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