J.F. Rick wrote:
Yes, load PharoSound and do the following:

SoundPlayer boinkScale. 
SoundService soundEnabled.
SoundService registeredClasses.
SoundService reset.
BaseSoundSystem soundEnabled: true.
SoundService default.
ss := SoundService default new.
ss class soundEnabled.
ss class soundEnabled: true.
ss beep.
(FMSound lowMajorScaleOn: FMSound pluckedElecBass) play.
(FMSound lowMajorScaleOn: FMSound randomWeird1) play.
(FMSound majorScaleOn: FMSound oboe1) play.
FMSound testFMInteractively.
(SampledSound bachFugueVoice2On: SampledSound new) play.
SoundPlayer shutDown

SoundPlayer boinkScale.
SoundService soundEnabled.
BaseSoundSystem soundEnabled: true.
FMSound testFMInteractively.

sound := FMSound pitch: 'a4' dur: 1.0 loudness: 0.4.
sound play.

SoundService default new class soundEnabled: true.
(FMSound pitch: 'a4' dur: 1.0 loudness: 0.4) play

Jochen "Jeff" Rick, Ph.D.
Skype ID: jochenrick

On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 5:33 PM, Esteban Lorenzano <esteba...@gmail.com> wrote:

I’m working on the SoundPlugin (finally!) and I would like to know how can I test that is working.
Is there a package or a script that I can execute to see if it is working?


That is really great news Esteban. Hope that includes Windows :)

Does the SoundPlugin have sound input?
It might be useful on the CI virtual machines to have an audio loopback so the image can test that it receives what it sends.
* http://superuser.com/questions/55580/virtual-sound-card-driver-for-windows
* http://forum.virtualaudiostreaming.net/topic24.html
* http://www.pcworld.idg.com.au/article/73458/audio_-_looping_back_your_sound_card_-_no_cables_required/
* http://www.e2esoft.cn/vsc/

I'd be interested in working on that aspect. 
cheers -ben

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