### Here's what I've been up to since the last WhatsUp: - Documented how the GTInspector integrates seamlessly how to handle the DB http://www.humane-assessment.com/blog/dynamic-exploration-of-a-postgres-db-with-the-gtinspector/ - A little blog post about measuring and visualizing nil checks (with the new CodeCity) http://www.humane-assessment.com/blog/analyzing-the-density-of-nil-checks/ - Worked on supporting class examples in GTInspector - Worked on an initial support for contextual presentations in GTInspector - Got accepted for a 60 minutes slot at NDC Oslo to give a presentation entitled: "Pharo: Playing with live objects" http://ndcoslo.oktaset.com/t-13914
### What's next, until 2014-03-31 (*): - start to prepare a presentation for speakerconf.com about GToolkit - release GToolkit for Pharo 3 (MetaRepoForPharo30) -- www.tudorgirba.com "Every thing has its own flow"