Thank you all for your replies.

I would say, that “Class Variable” name is a bit misleading, but now I know 
what is going on behind it. :)


On 19 Mar 2014, at 23:53, Ben Coman <> wrote:

> Yuriy Tymchuk wrote:
>> Can anybody tell me what is the difference between the class variable on the 
>> "instance side” definition and instance variable on the “class side” 
>> definition?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Uko
> instance-variable: A variable that holds the private state of an object. In 
> Smalltalk these can only be accessed by instance-methods.
> class-variable: An attribute of a class that is shared by that class, its 
> subclasses, and  all  instances  of  those  classes.  Can  be  accessed  by  
> both  instance-methods and class-methods.
> class-instance-variable:  An attribute  of a class that  is not shared 
> outside that specific class. Only the definition is inherited by subclasses, 
> not the value .   Each subclass has its own private value. Accessible only by 
> class-methods.
> You will understand it best by experimenting.  Here is one I made for 
> myself...
> ivCounter - instance variable counter
> CVCounter - class variable counter
> CIVCounter - class instance variable counter
> "----------"
> Object subclass: #TestCounter
>   instanceVariableNames: 'ivCounter iName'
>   classVariableNames: 'CVCounter'
>   poolDictionaries: ''
>   category: 'MyExamples'
> TestCounter class  "accessed by clicking the <Class> button"
>   instanceVariableNames: 'CIVCounter'
> TestCounter subclass: #TestSubCounter
>   instanceVariableNames: ''
>   classVariableNames: ''
>   poolDictionaries: ''
>   category: 'MyExamples'
> "----------"
> TestCounter    name: myInstanceName
>   iName := myInstanceName.
>  TestCounter    >> next
>   ivCounter ifNil: [ ivCounter := 0 ].
>   CVCounter ifNil: [ CVCounter := 0 ].
>   ivCounter := ivCounter + 1.
>   CVCounter := CVCounter + 1.
>  TestCounter    >> printOn: aStream
>   super printOn: aStream.
>   aStream nextPutAll: ' ['.    aStream
>       print: iName.
>   aStream nextPutAll: '] ( '.    aStream
>       nextPutAll: ' ivCounter=';
>       print: ivCounter.
>   aStream
>       nextPutAll: ', CIVCounter=n/a'.
>   aStream
>       nextPutAll: ', CVCounter=';
>       print: CVCounter.
>   aStream nextPutAll: ' )'.   "----------"  TestCounter class >> next2
>   CIVCounter ifNil: [ CIVCounter := 0 ].
>   CVCounter ifNil: [ CVCounter := 0 ].
>   CIVCounter := CIVCounter + 1.
>   CVCounter := CVCounter + 1.
>  TestCounter class >> printOn: aStream
>   super printOn: aStream.
>   aStream nextPutAll: ' ( '.    aStream
>       nextPutAll: 'ivCounter=n/a'.
>   aStream
>       nextPutAll: ', CIVCounter=';
>       print: CIVCounter.
>   aStream
>       nextPutAll: ', CVCounter=';
>       print: CVCounter.
>   aStream nextPutAll: ' )'.   TestCounter class >> reset
>   CVCounter := nil.
>   CIVCounter := nil.
> "---------"
> Then from Workspace evaluate these...
> tc1 := TestCounter new.
> tc2 := TestCounter new.
> tsc1 := TestSubCounter new.
> tsc2 := TestSubCounter new.
> TestCounter reset.
> TestSubCounter reset.
> tc1 next. tc2 next.
> tc1 next.
> tc2 next.
> tsc1 next.
> tsc2 next.
> tsc1 next.
> tsc2 next.
> TestCounter next2.
> TestCounter next2.
> TestCounter next2.
> TestSubCounter next2.
> TestSubCounter next2.
> TestSubCounter next2.
> cheers -ben

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