I have some packages A that depend on another package B.
In Metacello, I can easily declare the dependency

            className: 'ConfigurationOfB';
            versionString: #'stable';
            repository: 'http://www.squeaksource.com/MetacelloRepository' ].

But the repository is hardcoded here.

My problem is that I'd like to edit a ConfigurationOfA valid for pharo 1.x,
2.0.x and 3.0.x (so far so good) and put a copy in MetaRepoForPharo20 and
another copy in MetaRepoForPharo30.

Since the repository is hardcoded, this is going to be a problem because
the MetaRepo will then cross-ref other repositories and weaken robustness
or miss uptodate ConfigurationOfB...

I'd like to avoid maintaining many branches of ConfigurationOfA.

How do others resolve this?

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