MethodToolbar new buildWithSpec


On 25 Mar 2014, at 10:09, wrote:

> This doesn't work for building the MathodToolbar widget.
> MethodToolbar defaultSpec buildWithSpec
> #DNU SpecLayout>>buildWithSpec
> MethodToolbar class>>defaultSpec
>       <spec>
>       ^ SpecLayout composed
>               newRow: [ :row | 
>                       row
>                               add: #(model browseModel);
>                               add: #(model sendersModel);
>                               add: #(model implementorsModel);
>                               add: #(model versionModel);
>                               add: #(model dropListModel) ];
>               yourself
> What to do?
> Phil
> On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 9:51 AM, Benjamin 
> <> wrote:
> You create your own subclass of AbstractNautilusPlugin in where the display 
> method will look like
> display
>       ^ mySpec buildWithSpec
> This should do the trick
> Ben
> On 25 Mar 2014, at 08:41, wrote:
>> I wanted to use a MethodToolbar as part of a Nautilus plugin.
>> Ok, I can use the widget in with an openWithSpec but how can I put this into 
>> a widget that Nautilus will accept as a plugin?
>> | b |
>> b := MethodToolbar new.
>> b openWithSpec.
>> b method: <method from plugin...>
>> Phil

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