Hi guys

I need your brain cells.

When I execute the test 

        | context process debugger printedString |
        context := [ 20 factorial ] asContext.

        process := Process 
                forContext: context
                priority: Processor userInterruptPriority.

        debugger := Smalltalk tools debugger new
                                                process: process
                                                controller: nil
                                                context: context.
        debugger stack expand.

        self assert: debugger stack selectedIndex = 1.
        printedString := OpalCompiler isActive 
                ifTrue: [       '[ 20 factorial ] in DebuggerTest>>testBasic']
                ifFalse: [  '[...] in DebuggerTest>>testBasic' ]. 
        self assert: debugger stack selectedItem printString = printedString.
        debugger send.
        debugger send.
        self assert: debugger code getText = (Integer>>#factorial) sourceCode.
        self assert: debugger stack selectedItem printString =  

two times my image (latest get totally unusable). 
I thought that may be the process should be terminated 
so I added 

        process terminate

But nothing changes. I tried to debug the code but not chance.
I tried self halt after [ 20 factorial ] asContext.

I tried to execute the beginning in a workspace and not as a test to eliminate 
But again no chance.

So did I miss something obvious?


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