2014-04-22 13:56 GMT+02:00 Igor Stasenko <siguc...@gmail.com>:

> i want to use different adaptor for TextModel, when opening my UI
> so that when widget is built for it, it will be my own widget,
> not PluggableTextMorph..
> but i found it hard to do.. here what i tried:
> I try to replace bindings, so at the stage when spec interpreted, it uses
> my bindings:
> openWithSpec
>     | old result |
>     old := SpecInterpreter bindings.
>     SpecInterpreter bindings: TxAdapterBindings new.
>     [ result :=  super openWithSpec ]
>     ensure: [ SpecInterpreter bindings: old ].
>     ^ result
> in TxAdapterBindings i initialize it same as morphic bindging, except from
> text model binding:
>  #TextAdapter        =>         #TxTextAdapter
> but it is never invoked nor used :(
> i understand the overall model, but it seems like not completely,
> (else the above trick would work).. what do i miss?
> --
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko.

You code works, it is just that the TextModel is not the first one that
calls the
spec interpreter. The first one is the WindowModel.
And after a spec is "interpreted" spec interpreter calls
self hardResetBindings
and that one reinitialize the binding to MorphicAdapterBindings.


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