On 25 avr. 2014, at 09:13, Marcus Denker <marcus.den...@inria.fr> wrote:

> On 25 Apr 2014, at 04:33, Esteban A. Maringolo <emaring...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I was adding a Class instance variable when I got this, admittedly, funny 
>> error.
>> Any clues of why?
>> The class has a Trait (which I plan to remove). Maybe that is causing this?
> This is this problem:
> https://pharo.fogbugz.com/f/cases/13028/Adding-ClassVariables-corrupts-class-hierarchy

No I don't think so, 13028 is the subclass cache problem whereas Esteban's 
problem seems to be related to wrong slot scope problem.
Esteban, is it the latest image?
Can run this script in your image and tell us the content of toRebuild?

all := Smalltalk allClasses flatCollect: [ :e | { e . e class } ].
candidates := all reject: [ :e | e superclass isNil or: [e layout slotScope 
isKindOf: LayoutEmptyScope ] ].
toRebuild := candidates reject: [ :e | e superclass layout slotScope == e 
layout slotScope parentScope ].

Does toRebuild contains your class or one class of its hierarchy?


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