Hi guys!

I'm trying to configure a windows (7-32bits) slave to run DBXTalk tests :).
I've had a loooot of troubles already trying to configure right mingw and
get it to compile C, but I succeeded.

Now, I'm trying to get it run tests in Pharo, but I have problems with
ZeroConf and probably temp directories. The log is here:


In summary, I have the following output:

Downloading the latest 30 Image:
Access denied - IMAGE.QGJEMX
File not found - -NAME

The *access denied* I think is from the rm -rf of the temp directory,
because the temp directory is created in the workspace and the image file
is there and unzipped. The *File not found* looks like coming from the find.

Maybe I'm lacking some environment variables I didn't configure... I tried
comparing my slaves with the ones used in Pharo and I didn't take it much
further. Additionally, if I connect to the slave through remote desktop
(:puke:), and try to execute the zero conf script with the same user, on
the same folder from a msys console, I have no errors.

Maybe someone has an idea? :)

Thanks a lot,

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