Got it.

It's super stupid.
The key they give to feed the HMAC-SHA256 is actually a base64 string that
needs to be decoded.
It's not mentionned in the docs and I missed the constructor of the Signer
in Ruby:

# Public: Initialize the Signer.
# access_key - The access_key encoded in Base64. Defaults to the one
#              in the global configuration.
def initialize(access_key=Azure.config.storage_access_key)
  @access_key = Base64.strict_decode64(access_key)

Tests are passing now :)

Thanks for your patience Sven!

On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 4:01 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe <> wrote:

> On 19 Jun 2014, at 15:52, François Stephany <>
> wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > You might want to have a look at the code in Zinc-AWS (group AWS in
> ConfigurationOfZincHTTPComponents), in particular ZnAWSS3Client and
> ZnAWSS3RequestSignatureTool - it is using similar request signing but does
> > >
> > > Thanks! I wasn't aware of the existence of ZnAWS.
> > > Actually, i'm currently using the HMAC-SHA256 implementation of the
> CloudFork.
> >
> > Is that an all Smalltalk implementation ?
> > Because it would be really good to have SHA256 in the image.
> >
> > Yes it is. The class comment says:
> >
> > "
> >
> This class represnets the implementation of CFSHA256 as describied above.
> > Please direct questions or comments about this implementation to Ron
> Teitelbaum:
> > This code was extensively coppied from SHA1 by Luciano Notarfrancesco
> > "
> >
> > It seems to work for AWS, I wonder what I'm doing wrong here...
> You have to be 100% sure that the SHA256, HMAC-SHA256 code works (as
> opposed to the SHA1, HMAC-SHA1 code) then you absolutely need examples: a
> known canonical string and keys with a Base64 signature output. Start by
> making sure you can replicate this in your reference implementation (Ruby,
> Java, C#) and then start to go to Pharo.
> Look *very* carefully at each element of the canonical string, one letter
> difference, one header, punctuation, whitespace, case, date or time format
> difference will break the whole thing - that is the point of being a
> signature.

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