On 19/6/14 14:08, Henrik Johansen wrote:
On 19 Jun 2014, at 1:42 , Yuriy Tymchuk <yuriy.tymc...@me.com> wrote:


maybe we should implement #cull:cull: in symbol so that it will call #cull:? 
Because this looks correct, if block has 1 parameter, then #cull:cull: boils 
down to #value:, but when we have a symbol instead, we have an exception.

I can open an issue and implement that stuff, but I want a feedback from the 
conceptual point of view.


#cull: is supposed to be the equivalent to the #value: protocol, where the 
parameter is optional.

Symbol has no #value:value: message, hence it should have no #cull:cull: either.

You could argue it should implement both, with value:value: polymorphic to the 
[:a :b | a perform: theSymbol with: b ].

but cull:cull: would then mean equivalence to:
for #+  [:a :b | a + b]
for #squared [:a | a self]

And I don’t see how that’d be intuitive/useful enough to warrant inclusion


Considering the sole reason cull: on Symbol exists, is to allow select:  etc. 
to be written using cull so the block arg is optional, but still do aCollection 
collect: #mySymbol, the closest equivalent would be .
aCollection sort: #> / aCollection inject: 0 into: #+
which, while might be nice, both have no use for cull:cull: in the same manner:
aCollection inject: 0 into: #squared -> [:sub :next | sub squared] ???
The whole "who is the receiver, what’s going on»-factor of cull:cull: on symbol is non-intuitive enough that at least I feel it’s better to write out the block explicitly.


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