2014-06-25 0:21 GMT+02:00 Igor Stasenko <siguc...@gmail.com>:

> On 21 June 2014 09:23, Hilaire Fernandes <hilaire.fernan...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I tried this but it produces empty form.
>> |canvas |
>> canvas := (Form extent: aDrgeo area athensSurface extent depth: 32)
>> getCanvas.
>> aDrgeo area athensSurface displayOnMorphicCanvas: canvas at: 0@0.
>> canvas form
>> should not..
> try to #flush operations on surface before blitting it to form.
>> Hilaire
>> Le 20/06/2014 12:55, Igor Stasenko a écrit :
>> > the best way is to blit surface on the morphic canvas
>> > using
>> > displayOnMorphicCanvas: canvas at: aPoint
>> > method.
>> >
>> --
>> Dr. Geo http://drgeo.eu
>> iStoa - https://launchpad.net/istoa
> --
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko.

This works for me:

    | sur form |
    sur := AthensCairoSurface extent: 300 @ 300.
        drawDuring: [ :can |
            can pathTransform
                restoreAfter: [
                    can surface clear: Color black.
                    can pathTransform translateX: 150 Y: 150.
                    can setPaint: (Color green alpha: 0.1).
                    can setShape: (-150 @ -150 corner: 150 @ 150).
                        timesRepeat: [
                            can draw.
                            can pathTransform scaleBy: 0.85.
                            can pathTransform rotateByDegrees: 10.
                             ] ] ].

    form := Form extent: sur extent depth: 32.

    sur displayOnMorphicCanvas: form getCanvas at: 0 @ 0.
    (ImageMorph withForm: form) openInHand

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