I would use "Evaluate". And even go a little bit further, and propose
a rename of "DoIt" to "Evaluate".

The command line handler is "EvaluateCommandLineHandler".

Dolphin used "evaluate", it feels natural even for not-native English
speakers like me.

Also, REPL stands for read-EVAL-print-loop. So eval is an widely
accepted term to run a chunk of code.

Esteban A. Maringolo

2014-07-15 14:20 GMT-03:00 Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com>:
> Mostly I take for granted that "DoIt" has always been the way to evaluate
> things with Smalltalk, however I find it awkward to use in writing a
> tutorial.  Some examples... * After saving, select "Grid new" and "DoIt"  --
> this sounds awkward, and even that you might need select the latter as well.
> * After saving, "Grid new" DoIt.  -- doesn't read nice
> * After saving, DoIt to "Grid new."  -- worst of all
> I'd feel better writing something like this...
> * After saving, evaluate "Grid new".
> but "evaluate" is not an item in the menus.  I think actually many people
> talk this way with the implicit convention that "evaluate" means "DoIt".
> So first, does anyone have a good way to compose sentences using "DoIt".
> Second, how evil would it be to change the menus from "DoIt" to "Evaluate"
> and so avoid the implicit convention.
> cheers -ben

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