On 22 Jul 2014, at 10:41, Clara Allende <clari.alle...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi guys! 
> Finally the metaLink-based breakpoints are "ready". I have made some 
> explanations on my blog, but basically now you have the option "break here" 
> in SmartSuggestions menu.
> So it's still experimental, and even though I have some tests, it would be 
> nice if you can test it, because I can't cover all possible use cases :) 
> And any feedback is most appreciated! 

Very nice… as this is based on the Link/Metaobject model, we will later be able 
to put BreakPoints (and Watchpoints) not only on a single variable access in a 
method, but on
the Varaible itself. “break when you store next time into this variable”, for 


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