
In GTInspector we use a TransformMorph inside the pager morph. It works
fine, but spawning completion from a text morph that is placed inside this
transform morph, the completion morphs appears in the wrong place.

The issue comes from submorphBounds apparently not being right (this is
what the completion morph relies on).

Here is a simpler example, to exemplify what I am talking about:

circle := CircleMorph new.
morph := TransformMorph new.
morph addMorph: circle.
morph top: 100.
morph left: 100.
morph submorphBounds. "==> (100@100) corner: (140@140)"
circle submorphBounds. "==> (0@0) corner: (40@40)"

Ideally, "circle submorphBounds" should start at 100@100. Is this a bug, or
am I doing something wrong?



"Every thing has its own flow"

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