Thanks tim.

Usually the monkey will tag your entry to ready to integrate and we harvest them. After this is also nice to write a comment saying that your change is ok in the latest image and we will integrate. We would like to change the integration process but we are not yet there. Git is needed first. We are getting more integrator: clement (on the compiler domain), nicolai and this is good. Sven is integrating changes related to the network

On 22/7/14 17:48, Tim Mackinnon wrote:
Hi guys - I’ve tried to submit a very simple contribution for Pharo. I followed 
the steps in the video about submitting on Fogbugz - although I wonder if I 
missed a step by not asking for commit rights to the Pharo40Inbox? As I already 
had a smalltalk hub account  - it asked for that name and password and it 
didn’t complain when I entered them and pressed accept in Pharo.

The issue is: 13653

Its a very simple contribution, just a class with some wiki help and the wiki 
method pragma to get it to appear in the System help.

As I didn’t know if there was already a class that might better hold this text, 
I created a new one - but happy to move it onto something else if there is 
somewhere obvious (or maybe its cleaner that it lives in its own place?).


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