On Sat, Aug 30, 2014 at 09:19:49AM +0200, stepharo wrote:
> Hi holger


thanks for the answer.

> I got confused.

sorry about that.

> There is a problem with next: not raising error?

Classic ReadStream in Pharo3.0

#[] readStream next: 2   => #[]


1.) Start something that listens to 12345
$ nc -l -p 12345

2.) In Pharo do

 | conn |
 conn := (SocketStream openConnectionToHostNamed: 'localhost' port: 12345)
   (conn next: 4) inspect.
 ] on: ConnectionClosed do: [:e | "Never called" self halt ].

3.) CTRL+C the netcat process..
4.) In Pharo an inspector on an ByteArray is coming up. The
ConnectionClosed signal is raised but swallowed by the
SocketStream code.

I don't know how realistic it is but I would appreciate if

1.) #[] readStream next: 4. Could raise an Error that one can
not consume four bytes/elements.
2.) I understand that not raising "ConnectionClosed" is to allow
a partial read from the socket. What is done in GNU Smalltalk is
to at least signal an EndOfStream notificaton. So the socket code
could read like:

 | conn |
 conn := (SocketStream openConnectionToHostNamed: 'localhost' port: 12345)
   (conn next: 4) inspect.
 ] on: EndOfStream do: [:e | self handleClosing ].

is this more clear?


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