I see that you (your code / the code you load) explicitly wants to open a 
debugger, which cannot be done non-interactively as far as I know. That is the 
root problem I think.

When running non-interactive you either let errors/warnings/notifications 
bubble up and they will be handled appropriately or you handle them yourself 
(like ignoring merge warnings, answering simple questions like author).

On 02 Sep 2014, at 17:30, p...@highoctane.be wrote:

> I've got this error when the debugger is triggered in a headless image.
> So, #MNU.
> I had a look at the NonInteractiveTranscript and it has this method missing 
> indeed in 3.0.
> I've added a basic one but we could benefit from enhanced debugging abilities 
> on that front.
> As I am running on a server without any graphics abilities, it would be 
> welcome to have this fixed.
> I added this to the startup script to patch the thing:
> Author fullName: 'PhilippeBack'. "Avoid yet another question..."
> NonInteractiveUIManager compile: 'openDebuggerOn: process context: context 
> label: title contents: contentsStringOrNil fullView: bool 
>         ^ self nonInteractiveWarning: ''Opening Debugger''' classified: 
> #'ui-requests'.
> So far so good, but it turned to:
> An attempt to use interactive tools detected, while in non-interactive mode
>       Opening Debugger
> NonInteractiveUIManager>>nonInteractiveWarning:
> NonInteractiveUIManager>>openDebuggerOn:context:label:contents:fullView:
> SpecDebugger class>>openOn:context:label:contents:fullView:
> Process>>debug:title:full:
> GRPharoPlatform>>openDebuggerOn: in Block: [ process debug: anError 
> signalerContext title: an...etc...
> And the vm stopped again.
> Looks like:
> NonInteractiveUIManager>>nonInteractiveWarning: aWarnMessage
>       ^ ErrorNonInteractive signal: aWarnMessage
> isn't too friendly.
> How would one get debugging info shown and just proceed or close the debugger?
> Closing the image is really hard to swallow here.
> Ideas?
> Phil
> <NIT.png>

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