
Sven you are right, the old compiler was consistent in the sense that it
always iterated over all the elements, including the ones added with #add:
and #addLast: while iterating over the collection.
On the other hand, VW is consistent with the Opal implementation for
#to:do: in the sense that they iterate only on the elements of the
collection excluding the ones added while iterating.

#add:after: and co do not work well if you edit the collection while
iterating over it for sure :).

It's too late for "don't modify a collection while iterating it" because
the system does it, for example, to build the world menu. So I think the
solution is in two steps:
- removing code which edit the collection while iterating over it. As most
frameworks work both on Pharo and VW and that the behavior is different I
think there shouldn't be that much, so fixing the Pharo image may be enough.
- be consistent in our collection protocol, basically by rewriting do: and
reverseDo: like that:

do: aBlock
"Override the superclass for performance reasons."
 | index |
index := firstIndex.
 [index <= lastIndex]
 [aBlock value: (array at: index).
index := index + 1]
do: aBlock
"Override the superclass for performance reasons."
 firstIndex to: lastIndex do: [ :index |
aBlock value: (array at: index) ]

2014-09-03 14:05 GMT+02:00 Camille Teruel <camille.ter...@gmail.com>:

> On 3 sept. 2014, at 11:42, Clément Bera <bera.clem...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello guys,
> >
> > I was looking into the OrderedCollection protocols recently to see how
> well the sista optimizer perform with it methods, and I realized that this
> is completely broken.
> >
> > For example:
> >
> > col := #(1 2 3 4 5) asOrderedCollection.
> > col do: [ :elem | elem trace .
> >       elem < 4 ifTrue: [ col add: col size + 1 ]].
> >
> > => '12345678'
> >
> > However:
> >
> > col := #(1 2 3 4 5) asOrderedCollection.
> > col collect: [ :elem | elem trace .
> >       elem < 4 ifTrue: [ col add: col size + 1 ]].
> >
> > => '12345'
> >
> > This means that #do: and #reverseDo: iterate over all the elements of
> the collection,*including* the ones that you are adding while iterating
> over the collection, whereas all the other OrderedCollection protocols,
> such as #collect:, #select:, iterates over all the elements of the
> collection, *excluding* the ones you are adding while iterating over the
> collection.
> >
> > Marcus argued that one should not edit a collection while iterating over
> it, however this point is not valid as the World menu relies on this
> feature, using #do: to iterate over the elements of the OrderedCollection
> including the one it is adding while iterating over the collection.
> Changing the implementation makes the world menu display half of its items.
> >
> > I don't like this difference because it is inconsistent. For example,
> refactoring a #do: into a #collect: can simply not work because they do not
> iterate over the same elements if you are editing the collection while
> iterating over it.
> >
> > In VW, the protocols are consistent and iterating over a collection
> never iterates over the elements one is adding while iterating over it.
> Therefore, I believe most frameworks should expect this behavior (at least
> the ones cross smalltalk) which sounds the most correct.
> >
> > I think we should fix the world menu implementation and make the
> protocols consistent. Alternatively, we can let VW be a much more
> consistent Smalltalk environment than Pharo. What do you think ?
> The thing is to find alternative implementations that are efficient enough
> (no copy). Maybe we can get some inspirations from VW for that (how do they
> do BTW?).
> You should also check with other kinds of collection because they may act
> differently than OrderedCollection.
> So in the end it depends on the amount of effort needed to make all
> collections consistent with this new requirement and on the resulting
> overhead.
> If it's too much, I think that following the old advice "don't modify a
> collection while iterating it" is enough. If one really needs to do such
> kind of things he should consider an alternative design like using a zipper
> for example.
> Camille
> >
> > Clement
> >

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