Nicolai Hess wrote:
2014-09-04 18:53 GMT+02:00 Ben Coman <>:
I can confirm this behaviour.  It looks like FilePlugin cannot 'rename' a folder across drives, although it can rename a file across drives. A hack to demonstrate from Workspace...

filePlugin := FilePluginPrims allInstances first.
filePlugin  rename: 'C:\Temp\Test\file1.txt' to: 'C:\Temp\Test\file2.txt'.  "-->sucess"
filePlugin rename: 'E:\Temp\Test\file1.txt' to: 'E:\Temp\Test\file2.txt'.  "-->sucess"
filePlugin rename: 'C:\Temp\Test\file2.txt' to: 'E:\Temp\Test\file3.txt'.  "-->sucess"

filePlugin rename: 'C:\Temp\Test\folder1' to: 'C:\Temp\Test\folder2'.  "-->sucess"
filePlugin rename: 'E:\Temp\Test\folder1' to: 'E:\Temp\Test\folder2'.  "-->sucess"
filePlugin rename: 'C:\Temp\Test\folder2' to: 'E:\Temp\Test\folder3'.  "-->fail"

I think that is more of a design constraint that a bug.  _vbscript_ has a similar problem [1]. I cloned Pharo-vm off github and in ".../platforms/wind32/plugins/FilePlugin/sqWin32FilePrims.c" found function sqFileRenameOldSizeNewSize uses win32api function MoveFileW which is documented [2] as "The MoveFile function will move (rename) either a file or a directory (including its children) either in the same directory or across directories. The one caveat is that the MoveFile function will fail on directory moves when the destination is on a different volume."

Unix platforms don't encounter this since all volumes are mounted under one root.  (e.g. OSX mounting usb drives under /Volumes). I guess the Unix equivalent might be renaming to folder across network shares, though I'm not familiar with how different OS's handles that.

No, there is a similiar limitation on linux as well. Even if all directories are under a common root dir, moving files across different harddisks/partitions doesn't work:

12992 Cannot move files to another volume / partition under linux

unix/linux vm uses the system library call rename() for moving files but this function
( results in an error
EXDEV  'Invalid cross-device link'
if the two file names newname and oldname are on different file systems.

Thanks Nicolas.  So given that its similar across platforms and reflects the system-level semantics, probably we should not change its behaviour, and handle this case at the PharoLauncher level. 

However it would be useful in Image to get something like an 'InvalidCrossVolume' exception.  I'm not sure off-hand how to approach that.

cheers -ben


However we should consider consistency across platforms.  Cross volume folder renames could be checked for, and modified to a copy/delete strategy. To state the obvious, the options of where to do this are:
a. In PharoLauncher
b. In Pharo in WindowsStore(FileSystemStore)>>rename:ifAbsent:to:ifPresent:fileSystem:
c. In VM

Off the cuff, I'd vote for (b.), but others will better idea of the approach to take. Now if indeed a copy/delete fallback strategy is considered beneficial, it would need to consider how timestamps are



cheers -ben

btw, Since this was my first time looking a VM code, I'm happy to report it was dead easy to clone pharo-vm from github and review (without yet trying to compile). Actually I cloned on OSX so I could `find` the win32 FilePlugin code.

kilon alios wrote:
So I manage to get Launcher running with downloading pharolauncher zip and then downloading pharo 3 and joining the two folders. Launcher now runs but  I dont want it to store images in my c drive so I go to preferences and tell it where in my D drive to save images (D:\software\PharoImages) I press enter and I am getting this error

PhLRelocateImageDirectoryCommand>>execute in Block: [ :child | child moveTo: (self target resolvePath:...etc...
PhLDirectoryBasedImageRepository class>>migrateFrom:to:
PhLDirectoryBasedImageRepository class>>location:
PhLDirectoryBasedImageRepository class>>locationString:
HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: in Block: [ ...

On Mon, Sep 1, 2014 at 12:06 PM, kilon alios <> wrote:
I am not back to my work pc, so if you have any ideas how to proceed I am open to suggestions. 

On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 5:17 PM, Tim Mackinnon <> wrote:
Kilon - it would be good if we could percevear to try and get a fix and detailed instructions for other less confident users… At least test Ben’s updated installer so we can clear this.

I appreciate the aggravation you are putting up with.

On 28 Aug 2014, at 10:35, kilon alios <> wrote:

My work pc is dual boot to ubuntu and win 7 . I am not a fan of linux either, loads of problems there but nowhere near as bad as windoom. 

I need windoom because of a Greek OCR I use at work to scan legal documents. I have no choice other than to continue using it. 

I dont care what the corporate world does or the fact that almost 100% of my fellow lawyers use windoom and some still DOS. Thats their problem :D

It would be nice to support what 95% of people use out there, but alas I cant take it anymore. Coding should be fun, Windoom kills my inner child. Sorry for those that have to tolerate this crap, but I am lucky enough not to . 

/ranting off 

On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 11:50 AM, Ben Coman <> wrote:
kilon alios wrote:
ok thing get worse and worse

I try to run pharo as administrator and pharo opens and exits immediately , it creates a stderr which contains the following

I found the folder you mentioned and I deleted it , now pharo does not open at all even when run without "run as administrator"
Boy I hate Windoom. I also tried Tim link , nothing, pharo opens but does nothing, no gui, nothing. I know it opens because i can see its process in the task manager which i have to terminate manually.
I do all my coding and art on macos, I only have windows at work so i can test my code on windoom too, but this was the last straw, I had enough with this uber crappy OS for 17 years now. I am dropping support for it and sticking to MacOS only.
Thanks guys for your help but it does not worth it. I hope no other windows user experience my problem.

I empathize.  I've been a Linux advocate for years, but never made the full desktop switch since I needed a Windows system for corporate compatibility. Then I got a mac-mini to experiment with iPad Mobile Device Management, and found it easier to get Latex working on it than on Windows (for processing Pillar output), and now I find myself using it for Pharo more every day, and my Windows box is starting to be neglected (except I still need to migrate my old Thunderbird email archive).

However success in the corporate world still hinges a lot on Windows compatibility. I will still have a go at updating PharoLauncher Installer to avoid this problem.
cheers, Ben

P.S. @Tim, Your alternate-VM feature sound interesting.  I'll check it out.

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