Just for reference, in my case I can reproduce it only because I trick the 
simulation into thinking that the process I’m working with is not the active 
process. Here’s a test case that reproduces the problem (the process context 
will be in the handler at the end):

        | process started unwound terminator |
        process := [ 
                started := true.
                [ process terminate ] ensure: [
                        terminator := Processor activeProcess.
                        unwound := true ] 
        ] newProcess.
        "Because we're simulating, we need to trick the simulation to get into 
the code for not running processes."
        [ process suspendedContext selector = #isActiveProcess ] whileFalse: [ 
process step ].
                popTo: process suspendedContext sender
                value: false.
        "Again, trick the simulation into thinking the process is suspended."
        [ process suspendedContext selector = #popTo: ] whileFalse: [ process 
step ].
        [ process suspendedContext selector = #activeProcess ] whileFalse: [ 
process step ].
                popTo: process suspendedContext sender
                value: false.

        process completeTo: process suspendedContext bottomContext

On 23.09.2014, at 19:53, Martin McClure <mar...@hand2mouse.com> wrote:

> On 09/23/2014 08:48 AM, Clément Bera wrote:
>> The theory I've had for a while for this issue is that ensure blocks are
>> sometimes not executed when the process is manipulated / terminated from
>> another process (so topContext was not assigned even if in an ensure
>> block). I've tried to fix it but I failed.
> VW had a long-standing bug (finally fixed some time ago) that when a
> process was terminated, any unwind blocks that had already started would
> not finish. This caused us all kinds of grief -- most commonly stuck
> semaphores due to #critical: blocks not signaling the semaphore.
> I haven't had time to look into whether Pharo has the same problem, but
> in my reading through the Exceptions chapter of "Deep into Pharo" it
> looked like that problem was probably in Pharo, too.
> I believe that the "correct" (most desirable) behavior for unwind blocks
> when the process is terminated is that
> 1) Any unwind blocks that are on the stack but have not yet started
> evaluation should be run, in order, before the process finally terminates.
> 2) Any unwind blocks that are in the process of being evaluated should
> be allowed to finish before proceeding with step 1.
> 3) Any unwind block that, at any point in its evaluation, signals an
> exception, should have a handler for that exception in some context
> within its own evaluation. Any unwind block that signals an exception
> which it does not handle has given up the right to its own normal
> completion, and process termination is free to skip the rest of that
> unwind block.
> Behavior 1) I believe we already do. We probably also do 3), more or
> less. I have my doubts about 2).
> Regards,
> -Martin

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