Hi Stef,

Great. GT is already prepared for this :). If you define a <gtExample> on
the class side, you will get an "E.g." tab with those examples.

It's called gtExample because we did not want to interfere with other
pragmas, but perhaps we can change it to <eg>, or <example>. What do you


On Sun, Oct 5, 2014 at 2:25 PM, stepharo <steph...@free.fr> wrote:

> Hi guys
> I started to systematically defined widget example using the pragram
> <exampleWidget>
> rowPrototype
>     "Answer a prototypical row"
>     "self rowPrototype openInHand"
>     <exampleWidget>
>     | sampleMorphs aRow |
>     sampleMorphs := (1 to: (2 + 3 atRandom)) collect:
>         [:integer | EllipseMorph new extent: ((60 + (20 atRandom)) @ (80 +
> ((20 atRandom)))); color: Color random; setNameTo: ('egg', integer
> asString); yourself].
>     aRow := self inARow: sampleMorphs.
>     aRow setNameTo: 'Row'.
>     aRow enableDragNDrop.
>     aRow cellInset: 6.
>     aRow layoutInset: 8.
>     aRow setBalloonText: 'Things dropped into here will automatically be
> organized into a row. Once you have added your own items here, you will
> want to remove the sample colored eggs that this started with, and you will
> want to change this balloon help message to one of your own!'.
>     aRow color: Color veryVeryLightGray.
>     ^ aRow
> This means that GTool will get instances for free to play with and the
> finder get really handy to browse widgets.
> If you want to join the effort you are welcome.
> Stef


"Every thing has its own flow"

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