> On 08 Oct 2014, at 17:35, Max Leske <maxle...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Can you provide a simple test to execute?

[ :ctx | [ ctx atEnd ] whileTrue:[1+2 ] ]  sourceNode

>> On 08.10.2014, at 16:46, Jan Kurš <k...@iam.unibe.ch> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I need to extract a source code from a block closure and I found something 
>> strange:
>> [ :ctx | [ ctx atEnd ] ifTrue: [  ] ] .
>> [ :ctx | [ ctx atEnd ] whileTrue:[ ] ]. 
>> Print of the first line returns:
>> '[ :ctx | [ ctx atEnd ] ifTrue: [  ] ]'
>> Print of the second line returns:
>> '[ ctx atEnd ]'
>> And honestly, I have no idea why. This behaviour was observed in Pharo3 and 
>> Pharo4.
>> Is there a way how to get a consistent result, i.e. '[ :ctx | [ ctx atEnd ] 
>> whileTrue:[ ] ]' for a second line?
>> Thank you in advance!
>> Jan

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