
Now, that more people are playing with the GTInspector, I would like to
raise another point that might otherwise go unnoticed: The inspector
extensions do not only work in the inspector, but can also be combined in
other browsers as well.

For example, the attached picture shows a Pillar browser that shows only
the presentations relevant to editing Pillar books. And the code looks like:

GLMPager new with: [ :pager |
     pager show: [ :composite :file |
          composite title: file basename.
          file gtInspectorItemsIn: composite.
          file gtInspectorPillarConfigurationIn: composite.
          file gtInspectorPillarIn: composite.
          file gtInspectorPillarProjectIn: composite.
          file gtInspectorPngIn: composite.
          file gtInspectorGifIn: composite.
          file gtInspectorContentsIn: composite ] ];
     openOn: FileSystem disk workingDirectory

[image: Inline image 1]

See here some more details:

The interesting thing is that we can now easily imagine creating rather
sophisticated tools with little code and that we only use for a very short
time (like minutes). This has a rather high disruption potential given that
no other environment I know of allows for something like this.

Let us know what you think.



"Every thing has its own flow"

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