
Thanks everyone for making this happen. It's great to hear this kind of
reports from real life projects.

I am sure that Pharo 4 will be even better!


On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 3:03 PM, Gastón Dall' Oglio <
gaston.dallog...@gmail.com> wrote:

> No more to say, a big big THANK YOU for make and continuously improve
> Pharo and the related infrastructure tools. This is a really big job.
> I'm always in the path of to show Pharo to my friends and try to use it in
> my work, and really that's every time more and more easy :)
> Best regard.
> 2014-10-23 4:29 GMT-03:00 kilon alios <kilon.al...@gmail.com>:
> Fortunately my experience with people I introduced in pharo has been a lot
>> more positive than your, they were facinated by what Pharo offers and find
>> it very useful, productive and fun environment. Actually one person hated
>> it but he was a big troll so I dont count him in.
>> But none of the people I introduced to Pharo ended keep using it, mainly
>> because they were too tied into other platforms and languages and cant
>> blame them. It took me 1 year to switch from python and I had to redefine
>> the way I was coding and thinking about code.
>> Even though Stef keeps stressing that Pharo does not have the resources
>> of big companies and of course he is correct on other hand we see a clear
>> and steady improvement, I think Pharo is on the right path and will correct
>> many of the mistakes of Smalltalk and eventually bring much more people in.
>> The future is certainly exciting and I am glad I have joined this ride :)
>> Phareos certainly makes my dreams about coding a reality. Thanks to all
>> pharoers for giving us such amazing functionality and working hard and
>> thinking outside the box.
>> On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 8:40 AM, Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu>
>> wrote:
>>> Mariano,
>>> It is good to hear from you, and it is even better to hear such nice
>>> words. Thanks you !
>>> I think that in general, in our day to day struggles, people
>>> underestimate just how good Pharo is and how useful it is to do real work
>>> in the real world, in other words, to be successful.
>>> Do we already have your story as a 'success story' for the website ?
>>> Sven
>>> > On 23 Oct 2014, at 03:15, Mariano Martinez Peck <marianop...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Hi guys,
>>> >
>>> > I just wanted to share my happiness with you. I joined a team 2 years
>>> ago almost to develop a Seaside 3.0 app, using and old Magritte version,
>>> and Pharo 1.4. As soon as I started, I created a ConfigurationOfMyApp, and
>>> migrated to Pharo 2.0.
>>> >
>>> > That worked fine for almost 2 years. Since several weeks/months, I
>>> wanted to update to new Seaside versions and Pharo. Of course, you never
>>> have time, there are always other problems to fix first, etc...But 10 days
>>> ago, I stopped everything, and I migrated to Seaside 3.1.3, latest
>>> Magritte, latest Bootstrap (very very cool project too...we are using it
>>> everywhere), latest everything...and... of course...Pharo 3.0!!!
>>>  Also..the "port" was almost nothing...everything almost worked out of the
>>> box. Thanks to contributors maintaining great softwares like Metacello and
>>> all existing configurations.
>>> >
>>> > Btw...I am also deploying my app in GemStone since almost  an year,
>>> and this also is being good. Gemstone people also have a great support via
>>> mailing list which I very much appreciate.
>>> >
>>> > I played with Pharo 3.0 when it was released and some time also before
>>> that. But not that much. Now..I am using the very same image since at least
>>> 10 days. Working full time. All my projects are working great. I cannot
>>> believe so good it feels developing in Pharo 3.0. I am using the great Dark
>>> Theme from Esteban. Everything is super fast, super nice, super stable. And
>>> with my 2.0 images..they always grew too much (up to 500MB), that
>>> everything started to be very very slow. I needed to start again with a
>>> fresh image, etc. This 3.0 image has almost the same size as I started and
>>> continues to be super fast.
>>> >
>>> > So...I cannot repeat myself how good Pharo 3.0 feels. I should have
>>> migrated long ago. Thanks all the contributors and developers for such a
>>> great and professional product.
>>> >
>>> > Best,
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > Mariano
>>> > http://marianopeck.wordpress.com


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