> On 02.11.2014, at 14:59, stepharo <steph...@free.fr> wrote:
> On 2/11/14 12:37, Max Leske wrote:
>>> On 01.11.2014, at 22:07, stepharo <steph...@free.fr> wrote:
>>> Hi guys
>>> I'm doing a small variable expansion to relocate my webpage. I want to 
>>> expand -base- into <base>http://sdmeta.gforge.inria.fr</base>
>>> Now it works when I test with some strings inside the image
>>> trying
>>>    "self new trying"
>>>    ^ self sample
>>>        copyWithRegex: '-BASE-'
>>>         matchesReplacedWith: self baseString.
>>> sample
>>>    ^ '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
>>> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; xml:lang="en">
>>>   <link rel="stylesheet" href="stef.css"/>
>>>   <head>
>>> -BASE-
>>>      <title>Dr. St&eacute;phane Ducasse</title>
>>>   </head>'
>>> baseString
>>>    ^ '<base>http://sdmeta.gforge.inria.fr </base>'
>>> self new trying results
>>> '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
>>> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; xml:lang="en">
>>>   <link rel="stylesheet" href="stef.css"/>
>>>   <head>
>>> <base>http://sdmeta.gforge.inria.fr </base>
>>>      <title>Dr. St&eacute;phane Ducasse</title>
>>>   </head>'
>>> and this is good.
>>> Now when I work with a stream it does.
>>> contentsOf: aFileSystemFile
>>>    "self new contentsOf: (FileSystem workingDirectory / 'Books.html') "
>>>    contents := aFileSystemFile readStream contents
>>> tryingContents
>>>    "self new tryings"
>>>    ^ self sample
>>>        copyWithRegex: '-BASE-'
>>>         matchesReplacedWith: contents.
>> What’s the “wrong” output you get here?
> In fact I get the stream contents but the regex does not match.
> I suspect a problem with the encodings of the file. Do you have an idea? Stef

No… I don’t see how encoding could be a problem. Can you create a minimal 
working (failing) test file and post it?

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