Code (Transcript calls of mine)

open: fileName forWrite: writeMode
"Open the file with the given name. If writeMode is true, allow writing,
otherwise open the file in read-only mode."
| f |
f := fileName asVmPathName.
Transcript log: 'File:', f.

fileID := StandardFileStream retryWithGC:[self primOpen: f writable:
until:[:id| id notNil]
forFileNamed: fileName.
fileID ifNil: [
' > Cannot get fileID' logCr.
^ nil].  "allows sender to detect failure"
(' > Got fileID: ', fileID printString) logCr.
name := fileName.
self register.
rwmode := writeMode.
buffer1 := String new: 1.
self enableReadBuffering

I have a ton of files to open. And some were slow to return a problem.

After digging, I got to the method above.

Now at one moment, I get nil fileIDs.

What is that retryWithGC: until: thing???

retryWithGC: execBlock until: testBlock forFileNamed: fullName
"Re-implemented to only force GC if a file with the given name exists" |
blockValue foundIt | blockValue := execBlock value. (testBlock value:
blockValue) ifTrue:[^blockValue]. "See if we have a file with the given
name" foundIt := self registry keys "hold on strongly for now"
anySatisfy:[:file| file name sameAs: fullName]. foundIt
ifFalse:[^blockValue]. Smalltalk garbageCollectMost. blockValue :=
execBlock value. (testBlock value: blockValue) ifTrue:[^blockValue].
Smalltalk garbageCollect. ^execBlock value.

Huhhhhh, yeah, some lookup going on in a registry...

and GCs? For file opens?

I am doing these opens in a webapp, what I want is to know if the file is
there or not and fail fast, not have all of this thing (debugging kind of

I have tested with 100 files and of course it all works since I get the IDs
back from the registry.

But at one point, it all fails. Registry full?

What to do here?


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