thanks for the info Nicolai, what I am trying to do is super simple, as you
can see from the code I linked I have a very simple interface of a single
button, I want to put before that button a simple morph to display color.

Basically the button changes the background color of windows and I want the
morph to display the color. Morph wise i can create the Morph like this

backgroundColorMorph := Morph new.
backgroundColorMorph color: self backgroundColor.

the problem is how I add this Morph to my gui. Meaning how to wrap it as
spec widget which is what your code is doing. I was not aware of
asSpecAdapter. Documentation does not mention this in Pharo for the
Enterprise Spec Chapter.

So following your instructions i added to my initialise method

backgroundColorMorph := Morph new.
backgroundColorWidget := backgroundColorMorph asSpecAdapter .

I added a method to return backgroundColorWidget with the same name and
changed at class side defaultSpec to

 ^ SpecLayout composed
newRow: [:r | r add: #button width: 25. r add:  #backgroundColorWidget]
; yourself

I try to open the Spec gui and gives me a MNU Morph>>layout:

Am I suppose to add some form of layout to the morph ?

Do I need to add something to initialiseWidgets ?

On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 12:36 PM, Nicolai Hess <> wrote:

> 2014-11-16 10:02 GMT+01:00 kilon alios <>:
>> Hello guys I am trying to add a morph to spec gui before a spec button
>> and the experience has been a nightmare so far.
> What do you mean "add a morph to spec gui". The common way is to define
> your own model and instead of composing
> your GUI with different morphs, you compose your GUI with different
> (ready-made) models. If you need a new
> kind of 1 model-GUI-Widget you'll have to define your own spec
> (morphic)adapter and add a spec binding.
> If you just want to add an existing morph into your layout, you can use
> Morphic>>#asSpecAdapter.
> This example looks a bit ugly, just because it uses a
> DynamicComposableModel. In your own
> applicatoin you would define your own model for defining and composing the
> parts:
> class:=AthensFlakeDemo.
> method:=AthensFlakeDemo>>#initialize.
> composed:= DynamicComposableModel new.
> composed instantiateModels: #(code TextModel method TextInputFieldModel).
> "this is a hack, as #instantiateModels: does not work for non-spec-models"
> composed widgets at:#demo put:(AthensFlakeDemo new asSpecAdapter).
> "with your own model (instead of using DynamicComposableModel) you would"
> "define a method that returns the morph asSpecadapter "
> composed code text:method sourceCode.
> composed method text: method selector asString.
> composed code aboutToStyle:true.
> composed code behavior:class.
> composed title:(class asString).
> composed openWithSpecLayout:(
> SpecLayout composed
> newColumn:[:r | r
> add: #demo height:80;
> add: #method height:25;
> add: #code];
> yourself).
>> I understand how columns and rows work but I cant figure out how Spec
>> works with Morphs.
>> I took a look at CheckBoxExample but it completely jammed my brain how
>> complex it looks.
>> First of all defaultSpec2 is what ? and whats the diffirence with
>> defaultSpec ?
>> Dont know about you but I don't like neither name defaultSpec and
>> defaultSpec2 , I would have chosen a name like layout or something that
>> makes sense.
>> also why we need to initializeWidgets when we already define their order
>> in defaultSpec ? Why cant Spec initialise those widgets by itself ?
>> Is it really necessary for each element of the gui to be defined as a
>> getter method ? Why not just put everything to a dictionary and make a
>> getter for that dictionary ? It would make a complex Spec gui a nightmare
>> to browser and leads to braking it up to more classes which will still make
>> it a mess to browse.
>> I see also  a container defined in there , I assume it has something to
>> do with the morphs.
>> I took also a look at documentation at Pharo for the Enterprise and it
>> has a section for building widgets but it looks too much work to add just a
>> few morph to a Spec gui.
>> I wanted to make the gui for Nireas with Spec and I like some of its
>> design but overall it has been way more struggle than working with Morphic.
>> I know I have complained about Spec before and sorry if I sound like a
>> broken tape but making guis in heavily gui based environment like Pharo
>> should not be so hard.
>> I dont have a problem failing back to Morphic but since I see so many
>> people praise Spec I keep wondering if I approach this the wrong way and
>> things are much more elegant and easy than they look.

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