Aliaksei Syrel wrote:

Thanks for the fast answer. But keyDown or keyUp are triggered only for not modifier keys (Tab, space, [0-9a-Z]). When I press Shift, keyDown is not triggered. :(


On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 4:12 PM, Guillermo Polito < <>> wrote:


    I've some hints!

    Try listening to the keyDown and keyUp events of a morph. And take a
    look at the #key message of a keyboard event.


    On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 4:06 PM, Aliaksei Syrel
    < <>> wrote:


        In our project we would like to trigger some actions when user
        presses down/up Shift button. But we didn't find how to do it.
        It seems that such keys as Shift, Capslock, Ctrl are event
        modifiers in Pharo, that apply on already existing events (in
        HandMorph>>generateKeyboardEvent: evtBuf).

        Do you have any ideas or maybe have experience concerning
        described problem?
        Thanks in advance.

If at the end of InputEventFetcher>>waitForInput
you put "Transcript crShow: Time now"
and I think you'll be looking at as raw an event aas you can get.

Now this exhibits some strange behaviour? Pushing <shift> on its own does not produce an event, however pushing <shift> fast multiple times does generate events. ???

There is a new event loop being implemented in OSWindow (search this list). Maybe that will help.

cheers -ben

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