Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
self assert: (file species isKindOf: FileStream)

But that is a weird test. What is the point ?

You have to test behaviour, like write a file and see if it was written. 
Testing types is very seldom done, because this is an implementation detail.

Thanks Sheri and Sven. I learnt a new aspect of design philosophy today. Thats one thing I like about contributing to open source - the opportunity for learning, especially from the questions that other people ask.
cheers -ben

On 04 Dec 2014, at 01:32, wrote:

Hi there,

I have a failing test and was wondering if anyone would have a sense as to why:

| testString filename file |
    testString  := 'ascii String'.
    filename := 'test-file-' , 99 atRandom printString , '.txt'.
filename asFileReference ensureDelete. file := filename asFileReference writeStreamDo: [ :stream | stream
                nextPutAll: testString;
crlf ]. self assert: file species = FileStream.

Many thanks,


Step into #writeStreamDo: ...

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