2014-12-06 0:27 GMT+01:00 Nicolai Hess <nicolaih...@web.de>:

> Anyone knows for what this is used:
> TreeListMorph>>
> addSubmorphsAfter: parentMorph fromCollection: aCollection allowSorting:
> sortBoolean
>     "Update the font on each morph."
>     |answer|
>     answer := super addSubmorphsAfter: parentMorph fromCollection:
> aCollection allowSorting: sortBoolean.
> "---- THIS TAKES TIME ----"
>     self scroller submorphsDo: [:i |
>         i
>             font: self font;
>             extent: i minWidth @ i minHeight].
> "---- XXXXX ----"
>     ^answer
> setting the font and extent on all scroller submorphs is extremly
> slow.
> Try to merge a package with many changes, it takes up to several minutes
> until
> the DiffMorph shows up.
> Removing the above lines makes the DiffMorph much faster and I can not see
> any visual difference.
> nicolai
Yeah, try to merge in Squeak, it's quite fast...

Polymorph is good looking, but if it's superslow, then it totally misses
the point.
I used to disallow this Preference (err... Setting) until it disappeared...
I just don't understand how people can stand it.
I can't, merge is so essential...
Or I understand a bit more why some git tools are perceived as SO superior

But if you found the major contributor, it's a great news !

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