There are a dozen tickets to rename test packages to conform with the standard patter, e.g. ShoutTests --> Shout-Tests. The META case is...

The <Merge> of these slices seems to be failing, for example, due to the non-existant Shout-Tests being created while reviewing the merge, prior to the second <Merge> button being pressed to approve the merge. A side-effect is that the if you cancel the merge, the new empty Shout-Tests remains in the image, which I think itself is a bug, but might be unrelated to merge conflict.

To observe this...
1. Open System Browser and filter on 'shout'
2. Open Monticello and the Pharo4Inbox.
3. Select SLICE-Issue-14439... and <Merge>
4. Observe that packages Shout-Tests and SLICE-Issue-14439...
have been created already, prior to actually committing the <Merge>
5. Observe that there is 1 merge conflict.
6. <Cancel> the Merge
7. Observe that packages Shout-Tests and SLICE-Issue-14439... remain

Now this problem only occurs when loading the SLICE-Issue-14439...mmz,
not when loading the related Shout-Tests...mcz. To observe...

1. Remove empty packages Shout-Tests and SLICE-Issue-14439...
2. In Monticello, select Shout-Tests..1.mcz and <Merge>
3. Observe no merge conflicts.


I managed to reproduce as follows...
1. Create a package "Case14616"
2. Add a tag "MyTag"
3. Add a class "MyClass" into "MyTag"
4. Create "SLICE-Issue-14616...", adding dirty "Case14616"
5. Save the slice to your local package-cache

6. Open a virgin Image
7. Merge "SLICE-Issue-14616...".
--> Observe the merge ccnflict.

I have logged
but I am not familiar with the Monticello architecture. Could someone who is take a look?

cheers -ben

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