On 29/12/14 14:32, stepharo wrote:
I'm still missing the RB based formatter in Dolphin. It's comparable to
the Pharo one (layout wise) but created less "line-break-noise" :-)

I think that it should not be that difficult to arrive to a good compromise

It should be easy create an RBFormatter with the same settings in
Dolphin to. But the current format didn't yet annoy me enough to
transfer it.

What we could do is to build a sample and go over it.
Ideally I would like to have formatting as you type :).
Even something simple like automatic "format-on-save" (optionally)
would help IMHO.

Yes if you send code we will add it because I would like to give a try
As far as I remember it was just the stock RB(Configurable?)Formatter with custom settings. Let me dig out my Dolphin Image.

Especially as the format hotkey doesn't work reliably on Mac OS X -
still have to chase why.

Yes I would like to have.

And concretely I would like to format all the code. I'm doing that when
I change something.



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