Great initiative!


On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 4:20 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Pharo is a platform, an enabler. The various frameworks and libraries on
> top of Pharo constitute the actual building blocks for real world
> applications. We have a healthy ecosystem, but we need to improve
> discoverability.
> One of the things that we want to do during the upcoming Pharo Days (
> is a Project Expo as a replacement for
> the traditional Show Your Project presentations.
> The idea is that authors, maintainers, supporters or even users create a
> single poster style A4 page highlighting one framework or library. Describe
> what it is, what the main features, advantages and applications are, give
> some links so where those interested can find out more, a bit like a
> datasheet.
> Here is an example:
> Obviously I am no designer, but that does not matter: you are marketing a
> software artefact to fellow developers.
> Those posters turned in before Sunday January 25th will be printed on at
> least A3 format (maybe larger if possible). We will then put them up during
> the conference. Make sure to ask around if you want to talk face to face to
> someone about a particular topic.
> Afterwards we will collect all posters into an online exhibition going
> forward.
> So please help out !
> Thank you,
> Sven
> PS:
> You are free to create a page using any tool you like, just produce an A4
> PDF without any too large coloured or filled areas (i.e. make it print
> friendly). And remember, small projects or sub projects are important too.


"Every thing has its own flow"

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