Pretty cool.

The API is interesting. As I see it, this will be limited to things like
bar, plots or line graphs. For example, a spider chart will not work with
this one, but it will use a builder of its own, right?

Some feedback:
- I would rename Plugin to Decorator. From your statement, "The plugin
framework exposes to a plugin all the necessary to define a whole range of
decorations" it seems to me that "Decorator" fits better.
- I would just call the class RTGrapher
- I do not quite understand how to distinguish the difference between
DataSet and StackedDataSet.


On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 12:22 AM, Alexandre Bergel <>

> Hi!
> RTGraphBuilder went through major improvements.
> - min and max may be specified.
> - plugins to add some decoration (average line, standard deviation range,
> ticks lines, …)
> Here are some examples, with some examples, which should illustrate these
> points:
> Is obtained with:
> -=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=
> | b ds |
> b := RTGrapherBuilder new.
> ds := RTDataSet new.
> ds points: (0 to: 100 by: 0.1).
> ds y: [ :x | (0.1 * x) sin  ].
> ds noDot.
> ds interaction popupText: 'sinus'.
> ds connectColor: Color blue.
> b add: ds.
> ds := RTDataSet new.
> ds points: (0 to: 100 by: 0.1).
> ds y: [ :x | (0.2 * x) cos * 2 ].
> ds noDot.
> ds interaction popupText: 'cosinus'.
> ds connectColor: Color red.
> b add: ds.
> b minY: -4.
> b maxY: 4.
> b minX: -25.
> b build.
> -=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=
> -=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=
> b := RTGrapherBuilder new.
> ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
> ds interaction popup.
> ds points: #(600 470 170 430 300).
> ds barShape width: 20; color: Color lightGreen.
> b add: ds.
> b axisX noLabel; noTick.
> b axisY noDecimals.
> b addPlugin: RTMeanDevVarPlugin new.
> b build
> -=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=
> Another example:
> -=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=
> b := RTGrapherBuilder new.
> b extent: 300 @ 200.
> 5 timesRepeat: [
> ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
> ds noDot.
> ds points: ((1 to: 500) collect: [ :i | 50 atRandom - 25 ]) cumsum.
> ds connectColor: Color green.
> b add: ds.
> ].
> b addPlugin: RTMeanDevVarPlugin new.
> b build.
> -=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=
> The plugin framework exposes to a plugin all the necessary to define a
> whole range of decorations. For example, variable average lines, linear
> regression should be trivial to add...
> Happy new year!
> Alexandre
> --
> _,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:
> Alexandre Bergel
> ^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;.


"Every thing has its own flow"

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