Thanks for the summary, Marcus!


On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 10:18 PM, Marcus Denker <>

> Hi,
> #450 is online with Spotter version 1.0.7 and GTools version 2.0.9
> containing:
> 14636: spotter: remap cmd+enter to shift+enter
> 14641: spot on global vars
> 14741: GTInspector: add simple slot support
> 14252: Make collections browsable again in the tools
> 14722: Disable FreeType gives MNU and RMOD in GTools
> 14711: The Playground print popper should allow for inserting the text in
> the editor
> 14587: deleting the whole text in the inspector pane throws
> SubscriptOutOfBounds
> 14515: Damaged configurations in the image
>         Marcus


"Every thing has its own flow"

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