Nice! It works fine here (font looks strange, yes).
The world size seems to be limited to the small window
that pharo starts up with? Making it larger seems to still clip at that border.

> On 23 Jan 2015, at 17:40, Nicolai Hess <> wrote:
> 2015-01-10 13:18 GMT+01:00 Nicolai Hess < 
> <>>:
> I think I got the MorphTreeTransformMorph now working, need to clean up the 
> code 
> and maybe I 'll upload this to the athens repository.
> nicolai
> I don't know how often I thought "I got this working", but NOW I think I got 
> this morphic transformation working :)
> I give up to use the AthensTextRenderer classes, they aren't implemented 
> fully, to much work for me to do this.
> Instead, I just subclass the DisplayScanner and reimplemented all 
> Canvas-draw-methods with athens-drawing-methods.
> Still some morphs aren't "ported", but they use some magic. For example, for 
> some morphs the drawOn:Canvas methods
> calls many other methods drawBackroundOn: aCanvas, drawIconOn: aCanvas, 
> drawLinesOn: ... 
> (for exampe: IndentingListItemMorph, MorphTreeMorph). Porting this morphs 
> means, we have to duplicate all this methods.
> (Ok there are other options, but I don't want to change something in the 
> original Morphic/Canvas workflow).
> Other Morphs just delegate the drawing call, that delegate the calls further 
> and deep in this call change the
> drawing actually happens. This again means I have to duplicate all this 
> methods just to use an AthensCanvas for drawing.
> So, for those Morphs I use a Canvas Wrapper (AthensCanvasWrapper). I already 
> wrote about this one, it implements (most) 
> of the Morphic/Canvas API on top of Athens, it was an alternative approach 
> for Morphic<->Athens porting. This one is
> now a much more advanced version and I can use it in combination with the 
> other drawOnAthensCanvas methods.
> The drawOnAthensCanvas method in MorphTreeNodeMorph for example just calls 
> this
> drawOnAthensCanvas: anAthensCanvas
>     self drawOnCanvasWrapperFor: anAthensCanvas
> which in turn creates an AthensCanvasWrapper and then calls
>   self drawOn: wrapper
> The same Morphic/Canvas drawOn method is used! But the rendering is done with 
> Athens.
> Rubric does not work - Itself already duplicates many code, I don't want to 
> look at this now.
> Brick does not work - It uses some of Canvas' private api, and it is 
> difficult to provide this with Athens.
> Many other things are working, 
> PLEASE try it out. Morphic on Athens looks great (except the font issue ...).
> Just take a fresh image (I use 40442) and load the attached 
> morphic_on_athens.cs (<-- all code for Morphic<->Athens porting)
> athens_test_display.3.cs (<-- Tests Athens for the whole MorphicWorld)
> Open a Workspace (old workspace preferred) and execute
> AthensTestDisplay testSwitchToAthensFor: 25.
> This will switch the world display rendering for 25 seconds from Morphics 
> Canvas-Api to
> Athens.
> Feedback welcome.
> <athens_test_display.3.cs><morphic_on_athens.cs>

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