2015-02-02 3:03 GMT+01:00 Eliot Miranda <eliot.mira...@gmail.com>:

> On Sun, Feb 1, 2015 at 3:39 AM, Nicolai Hess <nicolaih...@web.de> wrote:
>> 2015-02-01 10:52 GMT+01:00 Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com>:
>>> Looking into Image locking problems [1] caused by a recursive array such
>>> as this...
>>>     literalArray := #( 1 2 3 ).
>>>     literalArray at: 3 put: literalArray.
>>> I find that "literalArray printString" locks the image due to
>>> Array>>printOn: use of the recursive #shouldBePrintedAsLiteral method. Now
>>> its implementation is identical to #isLiteral and indeed "literalArray
>>> isLiteral" also locks the Image. So comparing implementors of #isLiteral...
>> Squeak uses a Set to store all visited elements for
>> shouldBePrintedAsLiteral and this protects against the recursive loop.
>> shouldBePrintedAsLiteralVisiting: aSet
>>     self class == Array ifFalse:
>>         [^false].
>>     (aSet includes: self) ifTrue:
>>         [^false].
>>     aSet add: self.
>>     ^self allSatisfy: [:each | each shouldBePrintedAsLiteralVisiting:
>> aSet]
>> isn't there a common pattern to handle this kind of potential endless
>> recursion?
> At Cadence we fixed it thus:
> Object>>shouldBePrintedAsLiteral
> ^self isLiteral
> Array>>shouldBePrintedAsLiteral
> ^self class == Array
>   and: [self shouldBePrintedAsLiteralVisiting: (IdentitySet new: 8)]
> Object>>shouldBePrintedAsLiteralVisiting: aSet
> ^self isLiteral
>  Array>>shouldBePrintedAsLiteralVisiting: aSet
> self class == Array ifFalse:
> [^false].
> (aSet includes: self) ifTrue:
> [^false].
> aSet add: self.
> ^self allSatisfy: [:each | each shouldBePrintedAsLiteralVisiting: aSet]

Is there something more "generic". Something we can use for any object
Isn't there something the GC uses? The GC obviously does not fall into this
(It flags visited objects, but there is nothing exposed that can be used
at the image level?)
How do ImageSegment or Fuel work with recursive structures?


>   Object>>isLiteral   ^false
>>>   Boolean>>isLiteral ^true
>>>   Character>>isLiteral ^true
>>>   Integer>>isLiteral ^true
>>>   String>>isLiteral ^true
>>>   UndefinedObject>>isLiteral ^true
>>>   ByteArray>>isLiteral ^self class == ByteArray
>>>   Float>>isLiteral ^self isFinite "^(self - self) = 0.0"
>>>   ScaledDecimal>>isLiteral ^denominator = 1 or: [(10 raisedTo:
>>> scale)\\denominator = 0]
>>>   Array>>isLiteral ^self class == Array and: [self allSatisfy: [:each |
>>> each isLiteral]]
>>> ...I find most are very basic (might even say deterministic), with the
>>> recursion of Array>>isLiteral seeming an annomaly.  Also, the big IF
>>> condition in Array>>printOn: smells like a design decision being made at
>>> runtime (Valloud AMCOS p12).
>>>     Array>>printOn: aStream
>>> self shouldBePrintedAsLiteral ifTrue: [self printAsLiteralFormOn:
>>> aStream. ^ self].
>>> self isSelfEvaluating ifTrue: [self printAsSelfEvaluatingFormOn:
>>> aStream. ^ self].
>>> super printOn: aStream
>>> Flipping between two printString formats seems like selecting between
>>> two class types. Indeed, if we had a LiteralArray class, there would be no
>>> need for its printOn: to recursively search to determine its form, thus
>>> allowing #printStringLimitedTo: to do its thing to protect against infinite
>>> recursion.
>>> Also, instead of a recursive Array>>isLiteral we'd have something like
>>>   LiteralArray>>isLiteral ^true
>>>   Array>>isLiteral ^false
>>> which seems to align much better with the pattern of the other
>>> #isLiteral implementors.
>>> I notice there is both RBArrayNode and RBLiteralArrayNode.
>>> So what are the wider concerns that might apply?
>>> (In particular, I'm not sure how the #isSelfEvaluating (which is also
>>> recursive) fits into the big picture)
>>> cheers -ben
>>> [1] https://www.mail-archive.com/pharo-dev@lists.pharo.org/msg25156.html
> --
> best,
> Eliot

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