
Indeed. Nice idea. Available in the latest GT-SpotterExtensions-Core:
Name: GT-SpotterExtensions-Core-TudorGirba.57
Author: TudorGirba
Time: 10 February 2015, 5:59:41.775209 pm
UUID: 7de47651-7d17-44cd-ac70-467955fa903c
Ancestors: GT-SpotterExtensions-Core-TudorGirba.56

added spotter for concrete method reference like:
Collection>>#do: (thanks Ben for the suggestion)


On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 4:15 PM, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:

> When I am reading Fogbugz issues, often there are method references using
> the common convention "MCDefinitionIndex>>#add: for a fully defined
> reference.
> It would be nice to be able to copy/paste that fully defined reference
> into Spotter and get delivered straight to that method.  You might still
> list other implementors of the method, but the fully defined reference
> would be at the top, or somehow highlighted.
> I might get around to trying to code this myself, but I mention it in case
> it catches the interest of Spotter core team.
> cheers -ben


"Every thing has its own flow"

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