> commits can have comments and those comments can form discussions
With git you are rarely interested in particular commits; usually when
someone is proposing a feature/bugfix it composes of many commits. As a
reviewer I'm not interested in every "fixed typo" commit etc, but in the
whole thing, since one commit can remove a behavior and another add it, I'm
interested only in the result.

PRs have many other benefits
* I am reviewing the code against current master
* I see if there are any merge conflicts (since master could have advanced
in the meantime)
* If the submitter updates the feature I still have everything nicely
* I can have overall discussion about the proposed solution - this doesn't
belong neither to commits, nor to issues since this is particular to the

Of course it depends on your style, but for example for code reviews it is
invaluable; even if both (submitter and reviewer) are contributors PR is
still useful.

But I am interested why you don't like pull requests; after all they are
just annotated merges.


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