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Hello Henrik,

I read 
windowEvent: anEvent
            WorldState quitSession.
            self removeProperty: #closeWorldDialogOpen ]

but shouldn't it be

windowEvent: anEvent
            WorldState quitSession.
            self removeProperty: #canOpenCloseDialog ]


> Le 23 mars 2015 à 14:06, Henrik Johansen <henrik.s.johan...@veloxit.no> a 
> écrit :
> I just ran into a case where all morphs became unresponsive, and clicking 
> anywhere only gave me the World Menu.
> After some investigation, it turned out all the World submorphs had been 
> locked, and I could "unfreeze" them with the following (from a new Workspace):
> World submorphsDo: [ :aMorph | aMorph unlock ]
> What triggered it?
> Well, the image had become unresponsive, so I clicked the close buttons a 
> couple of times (before trying good ol' cmd-dot, which brought up a debugger 
> on the old UI process and let me continue).
> The close dialog is modal, normally that's no problem, since the modal morph 
> locks all other morphs, no two can be opened at the same time (unless you 
> somehow let that modal morph open another), but the close triggered by the 
> system window's close button is special, since it is triggered outside the 
> control of the World.
> The bug is rare in occurrence, yet easy to trigger; press the window close 
> button twice, cancel one of the close dialogs, all windows that were open 
> will remain locked and seem unresponsive.
> It might be smart to rethink the whole modality concept to make the code more 
> robust/coherent, but for now an extra check for this single case in  
> PasteUpMorph >> windowEvent: (for instance, using a morph property) should do 
> the trick, I'll submit a slice shortly.
> Cheers,
> Henry

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