Hi Stefan,

it is a know issue ( https://pharo.fogbugz.com/f/cases/15174/,
https://pharo.fogbugz.com/f/cases/14606/ ) and it is currently being worked


On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 3:19 PM, Stefan Marr <smallt...@stefan-marr.de>

> Hi:
> While debugging the beautiful method below, I noticed that the debugger
> shows data1 to be `nil`, while it actually has a proper value. That is, the
> pane on the right bottom shows the wrong value.
> When inspecting `data1` within the source code pane, it is correctly shown
> in the inspector.
> Is this a known issue? Should I file a bug?
> Best regards
> Stefan
> createWorker: identity priority: priority work: work state: state
>     | data |
>     data := RichWorkerTaskDataRecord create.
>     self
>         createTask: identity
>         priority: priority
>         work: work
>         state: state
>         function:
>             [:work1 :word | | data1 |
>             data1 := word.
>             RichObject NoWork == work1
>                 ifTrue: [self wait]
>                 ifFalse:
>                     [data1 destination: (RichObject HandlerA = data1
> destination
>                             ifTrue:  [RichObject HandlerB]
>                             ifFalse: [RichObject HandlerA]).
>                     work1 identity: data1 destination.
>                     work1 datum: 1.
>                     1 to: 4 do: [ :i |
>                         data1 count: data1 count + 1.
>                         data1 count > 26 ifTrue: [data1 count: 1].
>                         work1 data at: i put: $A asInteger + data1 count -
> 1].
>                     self queuePacket: work1]]
>         data: data
> --
> Stefan Marr
> INRIA Lille - Nord Europe
> http://stefan-marr.de/research/

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