Cool! Can you add a spec based editor for the object? ;) That woule be 
übernice, haha.


> Am 04.04.2015 um 06:01 schrieb Sean P. DeNigris <>:
> gtInspectorMagritteIn: composite
>    <gtInspectorPresentationOrder: 30>
>    | table |
>    table := composite table
>        title: 'Magritte';
>        display: [ self magritteDescription children collect: [ :desc |
>            desc label -> (desc toString: (desc accessor read: self)) ] ];
>        column: 'Field' evaluated: #key;
>        column: 'Value' evaluated: #value;
>        send: #value
> descriptionName
>    <magritteDescription>
>    ^ MAStringDescription new
>        accessor: #name;
>        label: 'Name';
>        priority: 100;
>        yourself
> descriptionPages
> etc...
> <> 
> -----
> Cheers,
> Sean
> --
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