
To make it easier to refactor these places, here is how to find asClass
usages with GTSpotter:



On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 12:32 PM, stepharo <steph...@free.fr> wrote:

> Hi
> We want to raise a strong warning against the extension of the use of
> asClass and friends.
> asClass should not be used in Pharo distribution. I will propose to
> deprecate it.
> We are working on dependency analysis, module system, remote debugging and
> asClass introduces
> lose class references and many related problems.
> I would like to remove this behavior because it is clear that it will just
> grow up and lead to deadcode and ugly dependencies.
> First, most of the time you can avoid to query Smalltalk globals at: and
> that BY CONSTRUCTION a software system     should be built and it should
> define its own customization.
> Second, at least use self class environment at: #foo
> Why is it much much much better? because it does not rely on String class
> resolution and as such
> is much more modular. You do not want to have the resolution of a symbol
> related to the place where String is defined but on where your code is
> actually.
> Imagine that tomorrow your code is in its own module. Then you want to
> know from your code point of you
> if a binding exist not from the one of environment in which String is.
> here are some examples:
> ==============================
> quadrangleClass
>     ^ 'QuadrangleForTesting' asClass
> Strange it simply breaks. Of course it broke the smallLint rule.
> ==============================
> Metacello should better define OSProcess as a dependent.Because it is not
> clear what will happen
> if if not there?
> extractRepositoryFrom: zipFile to: directory
>     "unzip <zipFile> into <directory>"
>     | out err proc errorMessage |
>     out := FileStream forceNewFileNamed: '/tmp/zip.out'.
>     err := FileStream forceNewFileNamed: '/tmp/zip.err'.
>     errorMessage := ''.
>     [
>     proc := #OSProcess asClass thisOSProcess
>         forkJob: '/usr/bin/unzip'
>         arguments:
>             {'-u'.
>             zipFile.
>             '-d'.
>             directory}
>         environment: nil
>         descriptors: (Array with: nil with: out with: err).
> ==================
> I do not get why we need this funky logic.
> openInBrickWindowLabeled: aLabel
>     #GLMSystemWindowBrick asClassIfAbsent: [
>         ^ self asMorph openInWindow ].
>     ^ #GLMSystemWindowBrick asClass new
>         label: aLabel;
>         color: Color transparent;
>         addBrickBack: (
>             GLMBrick new
>                 vSpaceFill
> window
>     "Answer the receiver's window."
>     #GLMWindowBrick asClassIfAbsent: [
>         ^ self ownerThatIsA: SystemWindow ].
>     ^ (self ownerThatIsA: #GLMWindowBrick asClass)
>         ifNil: [ self ownerThatIsA: SystemWindow ]
> sendUsageData: aBoolean
>     | settingsClass |
>     settingsClass := #GTSpotterEventRecorderSettings asClassIfAbsent: [ ^
> self ].
>     ^ settingsClass sendUsageData: aBoolean
> sendUsageData
>     | settingsClass |
>     settingsClass := #GTSpotterEventRecorderSettings asClassIfAbsent: [ ^
> false ].
>     ^ settingsClass sendUsageData


"Every thing has its own flow"

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