Stef gets "fierce emotional" at times, he is very passionate about Pharo. I
dont think he has a problem with having a good MD parser though it looks
like that will be hard to do because of the nature of the MD syntax but his
real problem is people porting doc to MD and abandoning or not even giving
Pillar a serious try. That is something that concerns me too.

I agree with Stef that Pillar is really nice and frankly MD has little to
offer over Pillar. I also dont agree that MD is significantly more readable
than Pillar to justify choosing MD over Pillar. Also making a document
format tailor made for Pharo needs and ideology comes with its own big
benefit that may not be obvious on the short term but long term may make a
big difference.

I agree also having control over your own format is always a big benefit.

Also Pillar is not opposed to MD , quite the contrary it generates MD files
as it does HTML , LATEX and PDF files.

When I started using Pharo I also did not understand this obsession of
remaking so much technology in pharo. But now I know that the moment you
integrate something from scratch into a very powerful live environment like
Pharo it becomes a completely new thing. It becomes a live thing.  Its
definitely make the effort well worth it.  Now I am also a victim of this
"curse" ;)

I love Pillar, its super easy to learn, very easy to read and well its made
with Pharo which make it also easier to extend. Hands down a winner in my
book ;)

Go Pillar Go! :)

Ps: Help tool already support a very small part of Pillar syntax with its
wikisyntax pragma.

On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 11:03 PM, Dmitri Zagidulin <>

> Whoa.
> I genuinely don't understand the fierce emotions here. Why do Pillar and
> Markdown have to be opposed? Why is wanting support for better parsing of
> MD (a commonly used format around the web, and useful in many projects)
> somehow an insult to the work done on Pillar?
> (Incidentally, I don't quite understand why Pillar was created in the
> first place. Why have a slightly different and incompatible markdown format
> from what the rest of the world is using? But that's not the point. We have
> both, and it's easy to support both. What's the problem?)
> On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 3:08 PM, stepharo <> wrote:
>>  I'm really pissed off. Because nearly nobody tried to write anything
>> with pillar and you just talk
>> about what you do not know.  But thanks this is great to see that we are
>> spending our energy for people
>> who will never even try to use what we are doing.
>> Superb!
>> No need to reply I will not read this thread anymore. And I should not
>> even have because it was so obvious.
>> And yes I 'm REALLY pissed off. You should also say to cyril that what is
>> is doing is hopeless because as soon
>> as we will have a stupid markdown parser suddenly it will be great. what
>> a shit.
>> So go and write your documentation in any format and do not expect me to
>> look at it.
>> I'm fed up about people that want doc on the web and when we spend time
>> to migrate from latex to
>> pillar to generate html and latex do not even consider what we did.
>> Stef
>>      I would prefer pillar for class / packages comments
>>  I was quite surprised there are any MD defendants considering the
>> pillar push. But since diversity is (often) a good think maybe having
>> something like gt-inspector there would be cool where you can add this in
>> whatever format you want. (And maybe one day someone will write pillar to
>> morphic/whatever converter and it would be even cooler.)
>>    It is a difficult topic. I agree with anyone that MarkDown is not a
>> good format for parsing. Pillar is the right thing to do here. But there is
>> one point of MarkDown that is hard to beat. A MarkDown text is always good
>> to read, eben while writing. In something like a class comment it would be
>> easy to use. What we don't want is to write system documentation in a
>> format that you need to convert first before you can see the result. It is
>> either having a wysiwyg editor for those things with pillar below or a
>> simple format that can both.
>>  my 2 cents,
>>  that’s actually my main point too, yes.
>>  Esteban
>>  norbert

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